Star Wars

Coffee and Clone Wars

When it comes to the Star Wars universe this animated series is not only a ton of fun to watch, but it also provides many insights and added understanding of the galaxy far, far away. If you have not yet indulged, or if you are an avid fan and just want to get a little more Clone Wars in your life, I hope you enjoy what I have to say about this awesome series.

Bengals Cincinnati Sports NFL Sports

Five Moves for a Perfect Bengals Offseason

Here are five things the Bengals can do to turn this around this offseason.

Movies Star Wars

Qui-Gon Jinn Deserved More

He only got one movie, and he died. It would have been really cool to see Qui-Gon in the Clone Wars and how he would have led. Here’s why he’s one of the more underrated Star Wars characters.